Steve Lugg
I am currently minded [dependent on further relevent facts] to vote for the Core Strategy to go out to consultation, which is the resolution for our extraordinary meeting on Monday at the Village Hotel, Bournemouth.  If I were to vote against this resolution, it would be anti-democratic.  I am delighted that residents will get a twelve-week period to respond with their issues, before modifications are made to the pre-submission document.  I urge all Ferndown residents to get involved, and write in with your comments - let me know also, of your major issues and concerns if you live in Ferndown Central.  I outlined my main concerns at the meeting of 1st February, at the Barrington Centre, which some of you may have attended. I will be continuing to lobby for HGV to be diverted out of the town centre, for substantive improvmeents to be made to Ferndown town centre, and will continue fighting for traffic flow improvments if there are to be further developments in West Parley and at ferndown Industrial Estate.  The current traffic levels in the town are simply unacceptable and the highways authority has simply not listened to residents or to the former town council traffic working party.  I will also be pushing for allotments to be included in either the Coppins or Holmwood House developments in Ferndown.
Just to make my position clear.  I think the Core Strategy is a good, well presented document.  I am a Ward Cllr for Ferndown and thus my focus is on Ferndown residents.  I am pushing the concerns I have to ensure the best possible deal for Ferndown residents, and I will address all Ferndown central residents' concerns as they let me know them.  Whilst the Leader may answer queries on behalf of the council, it is not my intention to answer queries from residents not in my ward.  That is for the appropriate Ward Cllr to do. I remain interested in all resident's views where received, and I will make a rational decision on the Strategy when it is time to do so.  Until then, I will concentarte on the Ferndown issues and support my electorate with their concerns.

I hope all residents take the opportunity to get involved in the consultation.  It is important we get a balanced view, and not just hear the voices of the vocal few, against the majority who are quiet.  The consultation takes place from 2nd April until 25th June.

Steve Lugg, East Dorset District Council, Ferndown Town Council